前言与目录 | 《共同梦想》

It was the reason A Bright Shared Future – Stories Along the Belt and Road was conceived and we hope it will help our readers understand the significance of forging a comm...

这位翻译学教授认为,从总趋势来看,使用Chinese dream来翻译中国梦的目前为主流,其次是China dream,使用频率最低的是China’s dream。“Chinese dream与China Dream相比,或许更可取。”...

As an IELTS candidate, I have always dreamed of going on a holiday to Alaska in the future. Alaska is known for its stunning natural beauty and is the largest state in the ...

The Power of Dream,1996年亚特兰大奥运会主题曲,席琳•迪翁用自己天籁般的嗓音唱出这简单却高亢的真理:梦想的力量无限大,它是全世界人的财富,是上苍最慷慨的赐予。歌曲优美的旋律,冥冥中给人以遐想。无垠的天空,生生不息的圣火。而比天空更广袤,比圣火更永恒的是梦想...

习近平指出亚太梦(Asia-Pacific dream),就是坚持亚太大家庭精神和命运共同体意识,顺应和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流,共同致力于亚太繁荣进步。 The dream is about acting in the s...

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